Photo credit: Matt Staley

David L Stern

I am a biologist with a passion for communicating science with clarity. Day-to-day, I study how brains evolve to generate new behaviors. I work at Janelia Research Campus, part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, in Ashburn, VA.

I am also on twitter: @David_L_Stern


To read more by David L. Stern, check out his book Evolution, Development, and the Predictable Genome, which is unlike other books on evolution and development. 

Feedback on this site is welcome. Please use this form to send comments to David Stern.


This site came into existence because I was complaining to a bunch of students at a big international meeting in 2015 about the talks at the meeting. Luisa Pallares insisted that I should write down these thoughts in a blog and advertise it on Twitter. This had never occurred to me, so the existence of this blog is really Luisa’s fault.

The current version of the site was built by Sama Ahmed, an evolutionary neuroscientist, now at Princeton University. Back in 2015, he spotted my first iteration of the blog and volunteered to redesign it. Find him on twitter @ColumboAhmed and check out his science podcast, Carry the One Radio.